Central Tai Chi Birmingham

Chinese Astrology here we come! “The Horse gallops in with renewed passion in 2014!”

For those of you with an interest in Chinese Astrology, here is a quote about what the Year of the Horse will mean for us all:

“The Year of the Wood Horse, January 31, 2014 through February 18, 2015, is expansive and exuberant! It rewards honest opinions and disciplined thinking.

Social networks will be buzzing. People will be more forgiving and cooperative. It’s a fabulous year for travel, parties, and community events.In Wood years, teamwork brings out the best in everyone. You’ll find it easier to craft common sense solutions and have fun in the process. Families working together can attract exciting opportunities in the first half of the year. Later there will be more time to follow your heart.

Like many things in life, a bright start will be quickly followed by months where patience and responsibility are your tools for success. Many will be at a crossroads that requires courage, flexibility, and original solutions. Challenges to the way you have always done things do not mean anything is wrong. Wood energy encourages slow growth and practical solutions. This disciplines the exuberant promises people tend to make under the influence of Horse. Hard work and creative innovations promise to leave a lasting and positive mark.

With such optimistic energy, it’s easy to make too many commitments and then become frustrated and scattered. Don’t hesitate to let others know. Ask for help. Focus more on taking care of yourself. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a break from all technology and spend more time close to nature.

year of the horseKeeping secrets and the dark side of human nature can be a theme this year. Those who are willing to be honest about their feelings, or any emotional wounds, will discover a sense of freedom and healing that may not have seemed possible.

Love is in the air! A Horse year is especially lucky for taking a romantic relationship to the next level. Marriages made this year hold the promise of exceptional happiness and stability.

Those born in Tiger, Horse, or Dogs years will enjoy a boost of cheerfulness that makes you quite popular. You’ll have more fun with friends old and new. Positive feedback enhances self-confidence. Share your thoughts. Social networking will allow you to spread your influence.

Those born in Rat, Dragon, and Monkey years have permission to work less and play more. You’ll be willing to take more risks to get what you want. Your intuition is strong and creative juices are flowing! Even though you like to take the lead, it will be easier to be a team player.

Those born in Ox, Snake, and Rooster years will use patience and determination to support a foundation for success. What you sense about people and environments will be quite accurate. People are drawn to you. It’s an ideal year for research and developing your skills in any area of interest.

Those born in Rabbit, Goat, or Pig years will be well respected for their kindness. You’ll play a quiet but vital role in any group or family activity. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace life to the fullest. Anything that brings you joy is where to focus more time and attention.”

If you’d like any further information, ask me in class.

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