Central Tai Chi Birmingham

Come along to our popular Crash Course on the Form!

tai chi class

We’re running a “crash course” on the first section of the Form (the Form we teach is Yang’s Long Form).

On Sunday 17th February from 10 am till 4.00pm two (or more) teachers will be teaching the first section in one day!

If you’re finding that you’re shaky about the sequence of the First Section of the Form after doing it in class or you are just mad keen to complete it, this day is for you. We have a day’s tuition to make you confident enough to be able to practise the first section on your own. If you like the idea of a crash course then come along, it doesn’t matter if you’ve done a lot or a little.

Anyone can attend.

We will shortly be giving out a leaflet in class, and posting further details to Facebook, but the gist is that it’s £30 for 6 hours training, bring your own lunch!

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